Hardly Your Best Sets! (Wednesday’s)

Hit-Faced was on fire tonight. They solidified a win against Bump Set Spike by staying focused while Bump Set Sike was focusing on the fun. Set two was just as close but B.S.S. was on top this time. Come the third set though, Hit-Faced lost some of their momentum and found themselves short a few points of a win but not scoring five consecutive points just to scare B.S.S. a bit.

Dream Team had their first set locked in within the first 10 minutes with the score 15-0. Spiked Punch was just not able to find control of the ball but they managed to pull out four points by the end of the game! The second set was a whole new story though. After their warm up set, they were showing Dream Team that they were a force with which to be reckoned. Although they couldn’t quite get the two point lead they needed to win, it was a close game. In the end, Dream Team brought home the gold with a 26 to 24 point win.

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