Our Social Team of the Week is Spiked Punch! Despite their early game tonight, they stuck around and cheered on the late games!
Block and Awe was playing fast-paced game against Bump Set Sike. BBS came out for the fun of the game and to have a good time, apparent by the bright red and white striped rip-off pants one player was wearing prior to the start. Luckily, normal basketball pants were underneath the pants! The first set went to Block and Awe as they kept their eye on the prize the entire time. However, come the second set, BSS turned their momentum around and Block and Awe fighting till the end. BSS won set two by five points. In a very intense third set, the two teams were neck and neck up, scoring back and forth. Block and Awe was able to pull ahead the last three points of the game to win the match!
Our Social Team of the Week was working hard tonight against Dream Team. Dream Team had some hard spikes leaving Spiked Punch nervous during the first set when they saw some of the Dream Team players jumping to get some speed behind the ball. Set two was a new story, though. Now that Spiked Punch had the first set of experience to play against them, their momentum and confidence were better. They were able to get under some of the hard spikes and get the ball back over. Their improvement showed in their score but it still was just shy of beating Dream Team this match.