Unforgettable Sets! (Wednesday’s)

Hit Faced


First up, Hit Faced gained an eight point lead when one of their servers went on a big streak. Spiked Punch was able to close the gap a bit, but they still weren’t able to get good control of the ball in order to win. In set number two, Spiked Punch maintained a solid lead the entire time. At one point, they were ahead 21-8. Needless to say, Spiked Punch brought home that win. The third set was neck and neck up to the first 10 points. Hit Faced flipped some switch and pulled out the last five points with the help of some quick ball work that tripped up the other team.




Block and Awe versus Bump Set Spike was a close game during both sets. B.S.S. was able to win the first set, but it wasn’t easy; Block and Awe was fighting till the end. B.S.S. hit a hard spike that was going straight down the net on their opponents side and they immediately began to celebrate. Little did they know, Block and Awe had some quick feet and were able to miraculously save the ball at the last second and send it back over and score a point because B.S.S. was definitely NOT expecting that to happen. (we’re not sure anyone was.) Of course, despite the intense rallies that were going on, B.S.S. found the fun in the game which was apparent as most of the guys were wearing extremely short shorts. Distraction tactics or normal gear? Who knows?