Opening Week! (Wednesday’s)

Welcome back, everyone! Spring II has now officially kicked off, and what a better way to spend Fiesta week than with a fiesta of our own out at Factory of Champions! We’ve got ten great teams, a number of them returners, but some new faces that are sure to make great contributions to the nightly excitement!




Our Social Team of the Week for the first up goes to Block Party! Not only did these newcomers (at least to sand on Wednesday’s), be one of the last teams to leave, they showed their skills on the court in a great match-up! Their social skills were obviously on point too, which is why we can see that they were worthy of our Social Team of the Month!




Tonight our Social Team of the Week took on Deez Nets. Block Party had some great rallies and fantastic set ups to their teammates. But with a number of new faces inserted into their lineup as well, the chemistry appeared to still be formulating, and Nets’ veteran status proved to be the difference maker here. Deez Nets takes it in two.


Later in the evening, we saw our best match of the night between Hit It and Quit It and Trump, Set, Spike. Both teams have played with us before, but Trump returns from a long hiatus, last making their appearance during the summer season! Early on, there was clearly some rust that needed to be shook. Some mistakes by Hit It allowed the game to be neck in neck until about the 15th point in the first set, but Hit It was finally able to capitalize and close out the first. Trump would show their “sad” faces, but not accept defeat. They came roaring back in the second to force a third, 25-22. The third showed us that there was going to be no way that anyone could pick a winner, not until that final point was won. Hit It looked like they had it in the bag, but more mental errors plagued them as Trump put themselves in a great position to win. Tied at 14-14, Trump would serve out of bounds, followed by a returned serve that just fell past the line, giving Hit It the win.