Opening Week! (Thursday’s)

Downtown Dashers


Sand Volleyball has returned to Factory of Champions on Thursday nights! This season, we’re featuring 18 awesome teams. We see mostly returning faces, but we do welcome a number of new ones as well! Everyone knows what Texas summers are like, and we got our first taste yesterday and temperatures were scoring at the first service time. Make sure to bring plenty of hydration fluids!



Our Social Team of the Week goes to Downtown Strikers! A group of new faces to the SSC community, but they were ready and warmed up for this one! Like really warmed up, and not because of the sun! They featured a first at SSC, a group stretch before their match! Even before the game, you could tell their bonds with each other!



Tonight, our Social Team of the Week took on the Flying Cats! Though we had the Downtown Strikers, it was the Cats who did the quick striking as they jumped out to the early first set lead. In no time at all, they appeared to be running away with the set. The Strikers were still getting their communication going and still finding an offensive rhythm as they fell 25-13.



But the Strikers are resilient. It was just one set in a match best of three. They turned the tables in the second, inching by by a score of 25-20 to force a third. In the third, it was all Strikers. Cats couldn’t find their front row players in good position and combined with the Strikers’ effective serving, it was too much for the Cats and they dropped to consecutive sets to give the Strikers their first win of the season. The score in the third, 15-4.

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