Hot Headlines (Sunday’s)


The social highlight of the day has to go to the teams who hang out and cheer or heckle the other teams. These teams have been around each other so long now they all know each other pretty well, and even if they don’t, they still make it a point to crack jokes the whole night.


It was a great night of softball, though it was a hot one. The night started off with close games. Spread Your Cleats pulled out a win with a 5-4 victory over Ice Cold Pitchers, and Hold My D found a way to score in the last minute to beat Off In The Woods 6-5.

Offensive team of the night was Ballapenos. These guys and gals can swing the bat as good as anyone out there, posting 21 runs and only giving up 4 to triumph over Beer Thirty.

Overall, it was a fun night for everyone.